Tariffs and calculator
The pilot tariffs are updated annually*. Download the tariffs.
Use our online tariff calculator to calculate the expected pilotage tariffs.
The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) published its 2025 Pilotage Tariff Decision on 16 December 2024. The ACM has set a generic national tariff change of + 7,67%
Quantity Discount
You can apply for Quantity Discount using the application forms. Download: Quantity Discount Forms I en II 14.xls or apply directly in our new system*
The Besluit Markttoezicht Registerloodsen lays down the rules for the quantity discount on the pilotage tariffs. Quantity discount on the pilotage tariffs is only granted if all requirements are met.
*In the Amsterdam-IJmond region, we are starting immediately with the new system, with a transition period lasting until January 1, 2025. During this period, you can choose to submit your requests through both the old (Excel Form I & II) and the new system. After this transition period, starting from January 1, 2025, Excel forms will no longer be used, and everything will proceed through the new system.
Please note that other Loodswezen regions are responsible for their own communications and that the go-live date may vary from region to region.
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, we are here to assist you. We welcome your feedback on improvements and suggestions via frequencydiscount@loodswezen.nl.

Nederlands Loodswezen regio Amsterdam-IJmond
Kanaaldijk 242
1975 AJ IJmuiden
T: +31 (0) 255 564 545
E: amsterdam-ijmond@loodswezen.nl
24/7 operationale zaken
T: +31 (0) 255 564 500 of +31 (0)255 564 503 (Chief pilot)
E: pilots.amsterdam@loodswezen.nl