Archive for maart, 2024

Verlenging samenwerking Nederlands Loodswezen en NHV Group

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Nederlands Loodswezen en NHV Group verlengen de samenwerking voor de levering van helikopterdiensten vanaf de Pistoolhaven. Dit betekent dat NHV de loodsen indien nodig met de helikopter van en naar schepen blijft vervoeren. Dankzij het verlengen van de samenwerking kan de vloot vernieuwd worden en blijven kwaliteit en veiligheid op het hoogste niveau.

Meer over de samenwerking is te lezen in onderstaand persbericht van NHV Group (ook als pdf beschikbaar).

Ostend, BELGIUM – 11/03/2024

NHV Group has announced the contract extension for helicopter services for Dutch Pilots’ Organisation, a crucial partnership supporting maritime pilotage services in the Netherlands.

The long-term contract awarded to NHV will continue to support the Dutch pilotage service from Pistoolhaven (Rotterdam) and will replace the current fleet with new generation aircraft. NHV’s helicopter services play a crucial role in swiftly transporting shipping pilots to and from large vessels navigating through Dutch harbours, particularly during adverse weather conditions.

In a significant upgrade, NHV will replace the current fleet with two state-of-the-art Airbus H145 D3 aircraft for enhanced safety, reliability, and performance. The decision to transition from the Dauphin AS365N3 fleet to the H145 reflects NHV’s dedication to invest in the latest technology to better serve its clients. While the Dauphin aircraft have been known for their reliability, the advanced features of the H145 ensure improved reliability and efficiency, aligning with NHV’s commitment to excellence. Elco Oskam, Manager Operations Rotterdam-Rijnmond region at Dutch Pilotage Service Organisation: “Dutch Pilots’ Organisation is pleased with the extension of our long-term collaboration in a new contract with NHV.

With a future renewal of the fleet as part of the contract we look forward to a new era in which our marine pilots are supported in their business in a safe and sustainable manner. NHV has always been a reliable partner with excellent customer focus, and we trust that this will be no different in the coming years.

Bart Sinnaeve, Director of Operations at NHV Group’s Helicopter Services and West Africa Business Unit, expressed his enthusiasm about the renewed partnership, stating, “The continuation of our successful partnership with Dutch Pilots’ Organisation, supported by the introduction of the new fleet of aircraft, marks a significant milestone. We are immensely proud to have been selected by the team at Dutch Pilots’ Organisation to continue our long-term collaboration.

Thomas Hütsch, CEO of NHV Group, emphasised the significance of the contract extension, stating, “Renewing our partnership with Dutch Pilots’ Organisation accentuates their trust for our expertise and dedication to performance and safety.

The contract extension will see NHV operating the new Airbus H145 D3 aircraft from Pistoolhaven (Rotterdam), starting from the beginning of 2025. NHV remains committed to providing top-tier helicopter services and looks forward to continuing its collaboration with Dutch Pilots’ Organisation.

Artikel in Onze Haven

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“Op de loodsen van het Loodswezen kun je rekenen. Weer of geen weer en 24/7. Met code geel reisde Onze Haven naar Europoort voor een gesprek met twee van de drijvende krachten achter de, soms stormachtige, operaties.”​

Het hele artikel dat ‘Onze Haven’ schreef is te lezen in deze pdf of op de website van Onze Haven.

De complete gloednieuwe editie met nog meer indrukwekkende verhalen over de haven is uiteraard ook te bestellen op